Who we are

Suggested text: Our website address is: http://aroundthekorner.org.

Abide by Agency Policies, Procedures and Requirements

Failure to abide by the agency policies, procedures, and requirements, as outlined in this handbook, can be grounds for termination of your childcare.

and Sign-out Policy

Each child must be signed IN at the time of their arrival, each day, by the adult who has brought them for the day.
Each child must be signed OUT at the time of their departure, each day, by the adult who is at the center to pick them up.
FULL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. Failure to use full signatures may lead to termination of childcare. NO PERSONS OR SIBLINGS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MAY SIGN FOR A CHILD.


The beginning of childcare is an important time in a young child’s life, usually the first experience away from home. The amount of time it takes for a child to build a trusting relationship with a teacher and feel comfortable at school without his parents varies from child to child, from a few hours to a few weeks. Please plan to spend as much time with your child as the separation process takes place. The teacher will help you determine when it appropriate for you to leave.

Arrival and Departures

Upon arrival, each child must be brought to a teacher (for infants & toddlers: daily record plan needs to filled out).
Please allow a few extra minutes so that you can acquaint yourself with the daily plan of activities when dropping off your child. Arrival time is the time for the teachers to greet the children, and for parents and teachers to exchange pertinent information. PROMPT arrival is important as it may be difficult for your child to join an activity that has already begun. It is equally important to pick up your child promptly, as children become anxious when you are late.
Late pick-up also inconveniences the teachers, and therefore, the center reserves the right to impose a late fee. (Please refer to “LATE FEES” for the amount charged.)

Pick-Up Policy

The policy for picking up a child who is being sent home for either illness, or behavior problems, is that the pick-up must be made within 30 minutes of receiving the phone call.

Around the Korner does monitor each child’s drop-off and pick-up times to ensure that the parent is complying with the certified hours that were assigned based on need for services.
If a participant needs to change their service level during their certification period, a Request to Change

Services Form and Documentation to support the request must be met. Our office will issue a Notice of Action within 10 business days indicating the outcome of your request.

The center will counsel a parent, if a pattern is noted in either the drop-off or delivery hours. The parent may need to be recertified regarding the need and eligibility for services.

Late Pick-up Policy and Procedures

Children become worried when they are not picked up at their usual time. Therefore, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick-up their children on time. Please notify your teacher or supervisory staff if your pick-up time will be different. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the teacher or site supervisor, in advance, if someone other than a parent will
be picking up your child(ren).

Children will be released only to the person on the Identification and Emergency information form. Only authorized persons will be able to drop off or pick-up a child. Persons unknown to Center staff will be required to show a picture ID to establish identity.

Children who remain at the center beyond 6:00 p.m., without prior notification from the parent(s) are considered abandoned by the State Department of Social Services. As mandated reporters, Center staff are required to contact the Los Angeles Police Department and the Child Abuse Hotline.

The following procedures will be implemented immediately when children are left beyond the designated time of pickup and Center staff have not been notified of any special arrangements:

  • The Center Director or designee will attempt to contact parents by phone
  • If the parents are not located, alternate emergency contacts will be called
  • Child will remain at the center with the Center Director and teacher while attempts are made to contact a
    responsible adult.
  • Notices will be posted at the center if your child is taken into custody by legal authorities or transported to
    another location, of if any emergency contact has picked up your child(ren) and all staff are leaving the center
  • The notice will include the time the child left the center, who they left with and a phone number

If a parent fails to notify the center that they will be picking up the child late then the center has no other choice than to call the Police Department and/or report it to the Child Abuse Hotline. The Police will not be notified until 6:30 p.m.

It is important that you maintain the childcare hours on your contract. Personnel is hired and scheduled according to this schedule.

Attendance Expectations/Policy:

Children are expected to attend child care based on their contract hours determined at certification, recertification when a participant voluntarily requests to change their service level.
A family may be dis-enrolled from the program if the child has “excessive” unexcused absences.
Participants may voluntarily request to change their child’s service level (Request to Change Services Form in the main office)
Regular and consistent attendance is important. It allows the family to maximize the benefits of the child’s early learning and care experiences.
Unnecessary disruption in services can stunt or delay social-emotional & cognitive development while safe, stable environments allow young children the opportunity to develop the relationships & trust necessary to comfortably explore & learn from their surroundings.

Make-up Days for Absences

Around the Korner is licensed to handle a certain number of children per day, distributed between the various classrooms in specific numbers. THEREFORE, we DO NOT grant opportunities to make up days lost as a result of absences.

Reporting Absences
A phone call to the center on the day of your child’s absence helps our supervisors to plan the day for staff coverage.
Additionally, you will be required to write on your child’s sign-in/out sheet what caused the absence once your child returns the center. The center reserves the right to ask for a doctor’s note when an absence exceeds more than five (5) days.

Absence Policy Excused:

  • Illness/quarantine of parent
  • Illness/quarantine of child
  • Court-ordered visitation (court-order must be in the child’s file)
  • Best Interest of Child* (10 days per year)
  • Family Emergency**
  • Court appointment
  • WIC (Women, Infant and Child) appointment
    (Maximum of 10 days per program year between July 1 – July 30):
  • Visiting relative or close friend
  • Vacation time with family
  • Child attending a party
  • Family moving
  • Religious observance, holiday or ceremony
  • Personal or family business
  • Earthquake
  • Transportation problems
  • Weather condition
  • Sibling illness
    *Best Interest Days
    **Family Emergency

Excessive Unexcused Absence
An attendance success plan must be completed for any child that has 2 unexcused absences or more days in any given month.
If excessive unexcused absences continue after a plan is put in place, a family may be dis-enrolled.

Abandonment of Care / Disenrollment Policy:
Families will be issued a notice at least 19 days if mailed or 14 days if hand delivered prior to disenrollment from the program. The program may deny services or disenroll a family for any of the following reasons, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Falsification or providing misleading information or inaccurate documentation
  • Knowingly misrepresenting eligibility, using incorrect or inaccurate information to obtain a benefit that the
    parent would otherwise not be entitled to receive
  • Failure to provide current and correct information at the time of recertification or recertification
  • Failure to complete the recertification process within the designated 50 day recertification period
  • Family income exceeds the maximum income threshold (full-day programs)
  • Misrepresentation of income and/or eligibility
  • Non-compliance of agency policies
  • Abandoned Child care for 30 consecutive calendar days without notice
  • Failure to complete or falsification of sign-in/out sheets accurately and on a daily basis
  • Failure to keep appointments
  • Threatening, yelling, cussing or acting unethically towards any staff member.
  • Violation of the Safe School & Harassment policy. Our office and centers are alcohol, drug and weapon free
  • Unavailability of program funds. If it is necessary to displace families due to funding, families will be displaced in
    reverse order of admission priority.


Discipline & Guidance
Our policy is to provide discipline and guidance which is loving and consistent. Social skills are not innate; they must be learned. Discipline is the art of teaching acceptable behavior rather than merely punishing behavior. Children are taught responsibility and natural consequences which are age appropriate. Through positive reinforcement, redirection, and when necessary, “time away from the group,” we set clear limits that the children are able to understand. In this way, we help them gain self control and respect for the rights of others. Our goal is to help children develop inner controls. Corporal Punishment is against the law and is NOT PERMITTED.

Daily Health Screening & Exclusion for Children & Visitors

In order to help prevent the spread of children’s diseases, licensing requires that each child receive a daily health check upon arrival at the center. No child shall be accepted without contact between center staff and the person bringing the child to the center. The person bringing the child to the center must remain until the health check has been completed and the child is accepted. Visitors are required to undergo a daily health check upon arrival at the center as well.

Children and/or Visitors will be excluded from the center if:

  1. Gastro-intestinal nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain within the last 24 hours.
  2. Throat and neck redness, spots, sore throat, infected tonsils, swollen glands.
  3. Eyes discharge and/or redness
  4. Skin rashes, spots, eruptions, etc.
  5. Hair lice/nits, infected areas on scalp.
  6. Nose and ears discharge with symptoms such as fever, coughing or other symptoms.
  7. Temperature fever over 100 degrees F within the last 24 hours.

Health Precautions
Our staff abides by the universal health precautions guidelines. Gloves will be worn by all staff when attending to any injury that involves blood, any body fluids and diaper changes. Gloves are changed, hands and changing surfaces are washed between each and every diaper changes. Hands will be washed with anti-bacterial soap only.
Proof of staff immunizations are kept in their personnel folder in the office. All personnel must abide by the immunization records requirement as mandated by Title 22. The only vaccination that is optional for staff members is the influenza inoculation. Staff may opt out of this one only, but it must be in writing.

In order to maintain the health of all the children and the teachers, we ask parents to observe the following guidelines:

  • Children with colds should be kept at home two to three days during the most contagious periods.
  • Cloudy mucus from the nose indicates the child should stay home. When the mucus is clear the child may
  • No child with fever, diarrhea, vomiting, eye infection, contagious skin conditions, persistent hacking or
    congested cough should be brought to school.
  • Children must be symptom-free for 24 hours before they can return to the center.
  • If your child becomes ill at the center, you will be notified and asked to pick him/her up within thirty (30)
    minutes. (PLEASE – keep your daytime phone number and emergency phone numbers current).
  • A child who has been sent home must remain home for 24 hours. WE WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT A DOCTOR’S
  • Parents will sign an absence form when bringing the child back to the center after any disruption of
    attendance. You must state the reason why your child was out. “Sick” is not acceptable.
  • A doctor’s note will be required after an absence of 6 days or longer.


If your child requires medication while s/he is at the center, you must fill out a “Medication Form” which is available
from the teacher. Medication(s) must be in its original container with the child’s name, and directions for use clearly
marked. All medications will be kept in a locked cabinet; or in the refrigerator if required. A teacher will administer the
dosage as directed and keep a written record for parent verification.

Common Communicable Diseases – Incubation Chart
For your convenience a chart is provided at the end of this handbook.

Chart of Immunizations required to Enter Facility
For your convenience a chart is provided at the end of this handbook.

Disaster Drills
Around the Korner has devised an earthquake preparedness plan, which includes storing individual and communal supplies, providing staff with first aid, CPR and earthquake response training, and an emergency plan for communicating information and picking up children.
Monthly your child will participate in a disaster drill. We encourage you to discuss the experience with your child when he or she tells you about it.

The buildings at Around the Korner are in compliance with the new state earthquake/safety building code. In the event of a disaster, listen to your local radio station for the closest evacuation shelter in the area of Around the Korner. Should you have any questions regarding this subject, please see the Director.

If there is an earthquake, children may be kept at Around the Korner for up to 72 hours depending on the extent of damage. Emergency water, your child’s extra clothes, and food will be kept on the premises according to Around the Korner procedures. The name, address and phone number of the temporary relocation site will be posted on the door, if necessary.

Tuition, Billing & Payment Procedures – CDE & CDSS
Most child care is provided, free-of-charge as long as income & eligibility needs meet guidelines & scales set by the California Department of Education. If it is determined that you must pay for a portion of your child care, said fee will be payable to the center no later than the 5th of each month. A family’s income & eligibility needs are re-certified once a year. PLEASE NOTE: If your income, job or schooling changes at any time you must report these changes to the office within five (5) calendar days.

If you are a family who makes a co-payment, an invoice is generated, on the first day of the month that the center is open, by the bookkeeper. Payment should be made no later than the fifth (5th) of each month when you receive your invoice. Please leave your payment in the office with the bookkeeper. Failure to pay by the fifth (5th), means you are “late.” If you are late it is your responsibility to contact the bookkeeper. Payment arrangements must be agreed upon by the fifteenth (15th) of the month. If a family has made late-payments, three (3) times or more in a 12-month period, this is grounds for termination of your child care services. Failure to abide by billing and payment procedures can mean termination of your child care services.

Tuition, Billing & Payment Procedures for Around the Korner Private Pay
Tuition is due and payable during the first five days of each month.

You will receive your invoice on the first (1st) of each month.

There will be a $25.00 late fee assessed to your account if you pay beyond the fifth (5th) day.

Late Fees

Hours of operations are from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Emergencies called in by telephone will be taken into account.
When late, you will be required to sign and date the late-fee pick-up form. The fee schedule is:

  • $15.00 for the first 15 minutes (1 to 14 minutes = $15.00)
  • $1.00 per minute for every minute thereafter
    This late fee is due on the day you are late picking up your child and payable in CASH. If the fine is not paid, your child will not be admitted to the center. Once payment is paid your child may return to the center. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Two Week Notice
Upon admission of your child(ren) to the program, you understand and agree to give a two-week notice when you will no longer need our services. This is a MANDATORY policy. If two-week notice is not given the parent will become responsible for providing the center with payment for the two-week period. NO EXCEPTIONS

Vacation and Holiday Credit
No credit for parent fees are given for scheduled school holidays and/or vacation taken by a family. Private Pay Families are exempt from tuition for scheduled family vacations for a period of two (2) weeks – 10 business days per 12 calendar months. Notification of planned/scheduled vacations must be submitted, in writing, at least two (2) weeks in advance.
Vacation days do not roll over to the following year if not used with the 12 calendar months.

State Required Forms
Parents must have the following required documentation completed and on file at the Center before a child starts school:

  • Confidential Application for Child Development Services and Certification for Application form CD 9600 (CDE &
  • Copy of Immunization Card
  • Birth records for all children included in the family size
  • Verification of Absent Parent (if applicable)
  • Authorization to Contact Employer (if applicable)
  • Employment Verification Form (if applicable)
  • Parental Incapacitation Form (if applicable)
  • Training Verification Form (if applicable)
  • Admission Agreement
  • Emergency and Identification Form
  • Proof of Residency
  • Physician’s Report (Immunization record & current TB test results)
  • Medical Consent
  • Parents’ Rights Form
  • Personal Rights Form
  • Child Abuse Protection Pamphlet Receipt
  • Copy of current Paycheck stubs (sequential covering one month)
  • Food Certification Form

Parent agrees to notify AROUND THE KORNER immediately in writing of any change in the information supplied on these

Right of Licensing Officials to Interview Children
The parent understands and acknowledges that the center is a licensed child care facility and that, under California law, the California Department of Social Services has the right, at any time, without notice or prior consent, to privately interview children or staff at any licensed child care facility, to inspect and audit children’s records, or to observe the physical condition of children, including conditions which could indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement, and to have a licensed professional conduct physical examination of children.

Mandated Reporters
Legally, the Director and other staff members have the responsibility of reporting any suspected physical, verbal or psychological abuse of any child.

Confidentiality Policy
Our staff respects the privacy of every parent and child. Confidential information is not discussed in the
presence of other parents, children or staff. All information is kept in locked files. Access to this information is restricted to authorized personnel only. Release of information from the files requires a written authorization by the legal parent/guardian.

What to wear to School
Your children learn by experimenting. They must feel free to explore their environment. The probability of getting dirty is inherent in the full participation of the program activities. Please plan your child’s clothing choices accordingly.

Think of:
Your child’s comfort . . . . . . . . . . . provide simple clothing
Messy art materials . . . . . . . . . . . . provide washable clothing
Changeable weather . . . . . . . . . . . provide a sweater or jacket daily
Playing outdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . wear long pants to avoid scraped knees
Any clothing that depicts superheroes, wrestlers, cartoon characters who engage in “war” like behavior are not allowed.
Clothing is defined as underwear, long or short pants, t-shirts, coats, jackets, socks, and shoes.

NO OPEN-TOED SHOES OF ANY KIND (stubbed toes from tripping, not good for running!)


Please label your child’s belongings – this includes all clothes, shoes, sheet & blanket. It is very hard to locate or claim unmarked items.

Required Items
CHANGE OF CLOTHES: Each child needs to have a complete change of clothes at school (this includes shoes & socks).
Please LABEL all items with your child’s full name. When the inevitable “accidents” occur, please return a clean set of clothing on the next center day. Be sure that the clothing is kept the right size (the child grows so quickly) and appropriate to the season.

In the warm months the children engage in well-supervised water play. Your child will need to bring a swimsuit, sunscreen, towel & water shoes. (For those children who wear diapers – please provide “Little Swimmer” disposable diapers.)

Bottles and sipper cups for infants & toddlers must be clearly labeled with a child’s name. If you wish to leave a bottle/cup at the center for the “ride” home you may, HOWEVER, it may ONLY contain water, milk, or formula due to Federal Food Guidelines. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule UNLESS you provide a doctor’s note for your child.

Disposable Diapers and Wipes
(For those children who require diapers at an infant-toddler center)
It is the parent(s) responsibility to provide one (1) bag of disposable diapers and one (1) box of wipes for children who are not potty-trained. These will need to be replenished when a parent is notified by a note from staff. CLOTH DIAPERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT OUR CENTER.

Potty Training
It is the desire of Around the Korner that children who enter the program at 3 years of age potty-trained and/or are in the process of learning this concept at home. We are willing to work with a parent regarding where their individual child may be in the timeline of the potty training. We can provide resources and referral if additional attention is required for this subject.

Around the Korner requirements for potty training (before 3 years old, at the infant-toddler centers) are as follows:

  • Be able to feel the sensation that they need to urinate/bowel movement before it happens & identify it
  • Be able to hold the urine/bowel movement until they can reach the toilet and undress themselves AND
  • Verbalize the word to the caregivers in time to prevent “accidents”

This process must begin at home with the parents. Upon success, please notify your child’s teacher. We will work with the child here at the center; however, if the child has two or more accidents in a row, we will stop for six (6) weeks and try again at a later date.

NO PULL-UPS ARE ALLOWED. We only use disposable diapers or heavy cotton training pants. You must furnish at least three (3) changes of clothing complete with shoes and socks.
This is a joint effort between, the child, home and school. Upon mutual consent of the head teacher, a program director and the parent, we will continue the process at the center.

Each Infant birth to 2 years old must have one clean fitted crib sheet and blanket every day.
Every child 2-5 years old who naps at a center needs to have:
1 – fitted sheet; 1 – blanket
These items need to be LABELED with the child’s name. Bedding is sent home every Friday to be laundered. It MUST be returned on the following Monday. A child is not allowed to nap without these items. Failure to return these items weekly can keep your child from re-entering the program until they are provided.

Resting Period Policy
Resting is an important time for young children in a full-day program. Our staff will follow the sleeping schedules indicated by parents for infants and toddlers. Members of our staff supervise naptime, and naptime is never treated as a form of punishment.

Children are encouraged to make the transition to resting time by themselves. However, children are not required to sleep or close their eyes but may not disturb others who are resting.

Children may take a single “comfort item” to the cot with him/her, such as a stuffed toy or doll. These comfort items

Infants have their own individualized nap schedule. All infants must have a sleep environment that prevents injury and decreases the risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) that includes:

  • Sleeping in safety approve crib
  • Firm mattress with tight-fitted sheet
  • Nothing is covering the infants head
  • Sleep on back
  • No blanket, pillows, toys or loose objects
  • Pacifiers cannot have anything attached
  • Dressed in sleep clothing, such as a one piece sleeper
  • Never swaddled
  • Never forced to sleep

Lost and Found
A lost and found box will be kept in each classroom. At the end of a year any unclaimed clothing will be donated to a neighborhood charity organization.

Around the Korner celebrates birthdays during the afternoon snack time. We keep it very simple. If a parent wishes to provide a “special treat” – a child’s favorite fruit, yogurt, or any other item that meets with the food program’s nutritional guidelines. Your child’s teacher will add special stories, songs, candles, etc. to make it a very special time for your child.

If you wish to pass out party invitations at school, you MUST bring one for each child in the class. We are not legally able to release phone numbers and addresses of children for this purpose. Please do not ask staff to get involved in the process, it takes away valuable class time. The parent(s) can easily distribute one invitation for each child by putting it in the individual cubbies in the classroom.

Our primary and most important goal is, and ALWAYS will be, the building of good self-esteem for all children in our charge. Feelings of exclusion and isolation can be very hurtful and damaging to a young child’s psyche, as well as his or her parent(s). So, with your kind understanding and cooperation we can eliminate any hurt feelings, however innocent or unintentional by following this policy.

Field Trips
Around the Korner field trips have an educational purpose that are incorporated into the classroom activity plan prior to going on the trip as well as after the field trip occurs. Children are only allowed to participate in field trips with parent’s written consent.

We ask that you leave your child’s toys at home or in the car. The teachers cannot be responsible for them and you will be asked to take them back if you bring them in the morning. EXCEPTION: a “special” toy that may be needed in helping to ease a child’s transition during the days when they first enter the center.

NO Violent/War Toys

Your child(ren) should not bring any kind of war/violence themed toys or characters to school. We do not allow the children to play any type of “war” games at school. Violent behavior (hitting, kicking, scratching, biting) of any kind will not be tolerated.

Calendar Days of Closure
Parents are given a calendar of events and scheduled days of closure. (Check the monthly newsletter and your child’s monthly sign-in sheet). The parent(s) is responsible for arranging for alternative child-care if they must work on these days.
The program will be closed or have a half-day on the following days:

  • Martin Luther King’s Birthday
  • Presidents’ Day
  • Cesar Chavez Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans’ Day
  • Thanksgiving Day AND the day after
  • Winter Break (TBD)
  • New Year’s Day
  • Teacher Seminar/Workshop Day (TBA)

Uniform Compliant Procedure
It is the intent of Around the Korner to fully comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
Individuals, agencies, organizations, students and interested third parties have the right to file a complaint regarding Around the Korner’s alleged violation of federal and/or state laws. This includes allegations of unlawful discrimination (Ed Code sections 200 and 220 and Government Code section 11135) in any program or activity funded directly by the State or receiving federal or state financial assistance.

Complaints must be signed and filed in writing with:

California Department of Education
Child Development Division
Complaint Coordinator
1430 N. Street, Suite 3410
Sacramento, CA 95814

If the complainant is not satisfied with the final written decision of the California Department of Education, remedies may be available in federal or state court.

A complainant filing written complaint alleging violations of unlawful discrimination may also pursue civil law remedies, including, but not limited to, injunctions, restraining orders, or other remedies or orders.

Sexual Harassment
Around the Korner does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental disability or physical disability. (34 CFR 100.3 [b][1][vii], 104.10, 106.58; 5 CCR 4900)
The governing board policy prohibits sexual harassment as a form of sexual discrimination and provides notification of available remedies. (EC 231.5 [a], [b], [c])

If you believe you have been discriminated against, for any reason, please contact the Executive Director and communicate your concerns so that the problem can be resolved. Kids Korner Inc. is Kelly Magallanes. The office address is 9757 Arleta Ave, Arleta, CA 91331. The office phone number is (818) 890-0200 42


Reasons for Termination
Reasons for termination may include, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED to the following:

  1. Delinquent fees
  2. Failure to comply with a plan for payment of delinquent fees
  3. Failure to follow sign-in/sign-out procedures
  4. Failure to abide by the contracted service hours on Eligibility Certification Form and
  5. Notice of Action
  6. Late pick-ups. If you have been counseled regarding late pick-ups by center staff, the Center reserves the right to terminate child care services, upon three (3) or more late pick-ups.
  7. Conduct of child or parent tending to seriously disrupt the smooth and efficient operation of the program.
  8. Person whose behavior presents a risk to children or staff (using profane language, threats, destroying property, etc.) is cause for immediate termination. 2 week notice will be waived.
  9. Failure of parent/guardian to respond promptly when requested to remove child from Center because of child’s illness or aggressive behavior
  10. Failure to notify Around the Korner in a timely manner (within 5 calendar days) of a change in your income, in address, phone number, change in employment and/or vocational training schedule
  11. Failure to provide required forms and/or documentation to the center as mandated by the government or funding source
  12. Failure to provide diapers, wipes, bedding or extra clothing
  13. 10 unexcused absences in one year
  14. Violation of contractor’s policies and procedures as outlined in this handbook.
  15. Knowingly using incorrect or inaccurate information to obtain a benefit that you would not otherwise be entitled to receive. We do report such instances to the District Attorney.
  16. Contractor reserves the right to suspend services based on health and safety issues.

Agency Procedure
Non-CDE & CDSS Programs

The Center reserves the right to cancel enrollment of any child for unpaid tuition after the 10th of each month. If it is determined that the Center cannot meet the child’s needs or that the program is not appropriate for the child(ren), the Center reserves the right to cancel/terminate child care services. If your child’s services are canceled, a fourteen (14) day notice will be given to the parent.

CDE & CDSS Programs
Parents must be given two weeks advance notice before they are terminated from the CDE program. Parents will be sent by mail (14 days) and/or given a Notice Of Action notifying them that program services will be terminated after 10 center days have passed (i.e., 10 days that the center is scheduled to be open and operational). If special or emergency circumstances do not warrant such notice, the notice may be waived upon approval of the program director.

An appeal process is available to any parent who wishes to appeal a decision made by this agency. Appeal procedures accompany each Notice of Action (back of the form). ALL appeal requests must be WRITTEN and received by Around the Korner within 14 calendar days as outlined in the appeal procedure. ALL appeals must begin with the agency, NOT at the State level.

CDE & CDSS Appeal Procedure – Agency Level

Attempt to resolve the complaint with the immediate supervisor.

  • Attempt to resolve the complaint with the Assistant Director through formal discussion.
  • If not resolved, file a written appeal with the agency within 14 calendar days requesting a hearing before the Executive Director. At this point the intended action will be suspended until the review process is complete.
  • Within 10 calendar days from receipt of request the agency will notify the parent(s) of the time and place of the hearing.
  • The hearing shall be conducted by the Executive Director who shall be referred to as “the hearing officer.” The hearing officer shall be at a level higher in authority than the staff person who made the contested decision.
  • The parent(s) or their authorized representative is required to attend the hearing. If the parent(s) or their authorized representative fails to appear at the hearing, the parents shall be deemed to have abandoned the appeal. Only persons directly affected by the hearing shall be allowed to attend.
  • At the hearing the Executive Director shall explain to the parents the legal, regulatory or policy basis for the intended action.
  • During the hearing, the parent(s) shall have an opportunity to explain the reason(s) they believe the agency’s decision was incorrect. The agency’s staff shall present any material facts omitted by the parents.
  • The hearing officer shall mail or deliver to the parent(s) a written decision within ten (10) calendar days after the hearing.

CDE & CDSS Appeal Procedure – State Level

  • If the parent(s) disagree with the written decision from the hearing officer, the parent(s) have fourteen (14) calendar days in which to appeal to the Child Development Division (CDD). If the parents do not submit an appeal request, to the CDD within fourteen (14) days, the parents’ appeal process shall be deemed abandoned, and the agency may implement intended action.
  • The parents shall specify in the appeal request the reasons why they believe the agency’s decision was incorrect.
    A copy of the agency’s Notice of Action and written decision shall be submitted by the parents with the appeal request.
  • Upon receipt of an appeal request, the CDD may request copies of the basic data file and other relevant materials from the agency. The CDD may also conduct any investigations, interviews or mediation necessary with the appeal request.
  • The decision of the CDD shall be mailed or delivered to the parents and to the agency within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the appeal request.

Agency Compliance with Child Development Division Decision
The agency shall comply with the decision of the CDD immediately upon receipt thereof. The contractor shall be reimbursed for child care and development services delivered to the family which is appealing during the appeal process. If a contractor’s determination that a family is ineligible is upheld by the CDD, services to the family shall cease upon receipt of the CDD’s decision by the agency.

Guidance for Early Childhood Education Providers Against COVID-19
Follow mask rules for employees, children, and visitors

The current Los Angeles County Health Officer Order requires all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask in all indoor public settings and businesses. This order, and the state’s requirement for masking at child-serving sites, applies to children 2 years (24 months) and older, employees, staff, volunteers, parents, and all visitors.

  • Visitors: Require all visitors, including parents and caregivers, regardless of vaccination status, to bring and wear
    masks when they are indoors at their facility. Make masks available to those who arrive without them.
  • Children: Require all children ages 24 months and older to wear a face mask. Masks may be removed during nap
    time or when children are eating and drinking.
  • Employees*: Require all employees, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks when working indoors and
    in shared vehicles. Mask need not be worn indoors if the employee is alone in a room or actively eating and
    drinking at a seated or stationary location.